Pelosi talks debt ceiling at press conference

Pelosi Stops Republican Hypocrites Dead In Their Tracks On The Debt Ceiling

At her weekly press conference, Speaker Pelosi reminded Republicans that the debt ceiling increasing they are opposing is to pay off the $7 trillion in debt that Trump ran up.

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Speaker Pelosi said:

I don’t know how we got the custom of having to deal with it each year because it is controversial. Amassing over $7 trillion in debt, and that’s what this debt ceiling lift is paying for. People say oh you want to spend money. No, we’re paying the credit card, the Trump credit card with what we would do to lift the debt ceiling. And President Trump, when he was president, we, Democrats, supported lifting the debt ceiling because it’s the responsible thing to do. I would hope the Republicans act in a similarly responsible way. 


Now go back to when Obama was president and Republicans were insisting on not lifting the debt ceiling. Eventually, we did, but they were saying we were not going to. Even the threat lowered our credit rating, totally irresponsible. So hopefully we don’t get in a situation like that. We’ll have several options. We will make them well known to you as we narrow it and go forward, but it has to happen. Again three times during the Trump administration. We all cooperated to get past this and hopefully they will be responsible. 

As Republicans thump their chests and complain about the debt, remember that the current debt ceiling has nothing to do with President Biden’s spending.

Republicans are refusing to pay the debt that they ran up under Trump.

The party of fiscal responsibility is dead.

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