Trump Proves He Can’t Stay Sane For A Single Speech By Calling Unemployment Numbers A Hoax

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 07:20 pm

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Donald Trump proved he couldn’t keep it together for a single speech by proclaiming that the unemployment numbers are a hoax while trying to reboot his presidential campaign in Detroit.

Trump was reading off of his teleprompter the usual batch of policy less statements and lies, when he called the unemployment numbers a hoax, “We have the lowest labor force participation rates in four decades. 1 in 5 American households do not have a single member in the labor force. 27 These are the real unemployment numbers – the five percent figure is one of the biggest hoaxes in modern politics.”

As The Washington Post pointed out, the unemployment rate is not a conspiracy, “The BLS hasn’t changed the way it measures unemployment during the Obama years, and there is zero evidence it has changed the numbers themselves…As the BLS explains, everyone who doesn’t have a job but is trying to find one counts as “unemployed.” It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been looking as long as you are, in fact, still looking.”

Donald Trump just can’t hold it together for a single speech. Even his teleprompter is loaded with lies and conspiracy theories. The problem for the nation at large is that Donald Trump is not alone in his belief that the unemployment numbers are fake. Many Republicans have convinced themselves that the unemployment numbers have to be fake because they don’t want to believe that the economy has improved under President Obama.

Trump has to believe that unemployment numbers are a hoax because his whole campaign is based on the belief that the US economy is in the dumpster. When Donald Trump says things like the unemployment numbers are a hoax, it confirms the notion that he might be crazy.

The problem with Donald Trump is that he can’t deliver a single speech without seeming at least little off, but in many ways, Trump is a symptom of a Republican Party that has abandoned reality for a fantasy world that was created and maintained by conservative media.

Donald Trump has problems, but America’s biggest problem is a Republican Party that has abandoned reality.

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