‘I Stuck To My Guns’: Michelle Wolf Doesn’t Back Down As Trump Snowflakes Implode

As the thin-skinned president and his snowflake supporters continue to implode over Michele Wolf’s comedy routine at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday, the comedian isn’t backing down – and rightly so.

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In an interview with NPR’s Terry Gross, Wolf said she’s “not disappointed” by the level of controversy her act caused, saying she was sticking to the advice her friend gave her before the event: “Burn it to the ground.”

The transcript:

Gross: When you say you didn’t want to cater to the room, you didn’t want to betray who you are as a comic, what would it have meant to cater to the room and how would that have betrayed who you are as a comic?

Wolf: I think a lot of it and what I’ve seen in the past is they poke little fun, they kind of poke fun at deeper dives in news media. They’ll go kind of table by table pointing at people and making fun of them, in a way that I think used to be fun because the dinner used to have the president there, it used to be we’re all poking fun of each other, the president’s going to poke fun at us, we’re going to hit back. Now it seems like it’s a much more serious environment and to kind of not go after the big issues and just have a little fun in the room seemed just not as exciting to me. … I mean, I’m honestly – I wouldn’t change a single word that I said. I’m very happy with what I said, and I’m glad I stuck to my guns.

The most searing part of Wolf’s routine was when she took direct aim at White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who peddles the president’s lies on a daily basis.

Wolf called her on these lies, and the Trump administration and its supporters simply couldn’t handle it.

People in glass houses…

Trump supporters have long lost the right to criticize anybody – comedians or otherwise – for rhetoric they deem untasteful or incendiary.

They shouldn’t need to be reminded that they support a man who bullied and insulted his way to the presidency.

Reminder: This is the man they support:

Not to mention, many of the same people who waved their “Make America Great Again” caps at Trump campaign rallies have spent much of the past two years calling liberals “snowflakes” for showing outrage whenever Trump goes on a reckless ramble that denigrates his office.

The next time a group of Trump loyalists slaps the “snowflake” label on a progressive for calling this president out, we should all remember this past weekend.

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