Trump Raises White House Flag To Full Staff As He Refuses To Honor John McCain

Last updated on September 1st, 2018 at 01:14 pm

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Trump has refused to issue a presidential proclamation lowering flags to half-staff in memory of the late Sen. John McCain, so the after being lowered over the weekend, the White House flag has been raised to full staff again.

Mark Knoller of CBS News tweeted:

A Slap In The Face To The Family Of An American Hero

Trump’s petty move comes after he also refused to approve an official White House statement honoring McCain. Trump‘s only mention of mention of McCain has been a cold and generic tweet that could barely hide his contempt for the Senator. Trump can attempt to deny McCain a few of the honors that come with his passing, but he can’t take away the impact that McCain had, or what seems to be annoying Trump most, the wall to wall media coverage that McCain’s passing has generated.

Donald Trump will never be fondly remembered in the way that McCain is being reflected upon today. John McCain touches something in America that goes beyond politics. He suffered for his country as a prisoner of war. He served in country in both the military and in government. McCain was known as a person of deep patriotism. None of these characteristics have or ever will apply to Donald Trump.

Trump is only making himself look bad

By trying to diminish John McCain, Trump is showing the American people how small of a person he is. Donald Trump is harming the legacy of John McCain. He is reminding the American people of why he is unfit to occupy the Oval Office, and the urgency of first placing a check on his power, and then if the evidence dictates removing from the office that he holds as soon as possible.

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