Lindsey Graham Tells Trump To Grow Up, Make A Decision, And Avoid A Shutdown

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said that the country needs a White House that will lead and make a decision to avoid a government shutdown, and by White House, Graham meant Trump.

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Graham said, “What the house sent over is unacceptable to me. CRs kill the military. If you don’t believe me, as Gen. Mattis. Thirty days of more chaos. Forget it. I appreciate my House colleagues but we need to grow up get this done. We’re inside the ten yard line. We need a White House that can make a decision and stick to it.”

Sen. Graham was right. The GOP fingerpointing nonsense is not going to work. The Schumer shutdown talking point isn’t going to fly. Republicans have the congressional majorities and the White House. It is their job to govern. They need to step up and do what needs to be done, or they will be responsible for the consequences.

Trump is the problem. He is the indecision that Graham was talking about, and the President will be held responsible if the government shuts down.

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