Trump claims that his major accomplishment is that dishwashers have more water

Trump Claims His Major First Term Accomplishment Is Dishwashers Have More Water

At A White House event, Trump claimed that one of his major first-term accomplishments is making sure that dishwashers have more water.

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Trump said, “Dishwashers, so you didn’t have any water, so the people that do the dishes, you press it, and it goes again. You do it again and again, so you might as well give them the water, because you’ll end using less water, so we made it so that dishwashers now have a lot more water, and in many places, in most places of the country, water is not a problem. They don’t know what to do with it. It’s called rain. They don’t have a problem and old fashioned incandescent light bulbs. I brought em back. I brought em back.”


Trump’s major first-term accomplishment was adding more water to dishwashers, which wasn’t a problem because most people had plenty of water, so Trump’s major first-term accomplishment was pointless. Trump also went back to his bizarre infatuation with light bulbs, which he has been on a kick about because he thinks energy-efficient lighting makes him look orange. Hint: It’s not the lightbulbs.

Trump has done with his time in office, but watch TV, tweet, play golf, crash the economy, and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans with a pandemic, but if dishwashers and lightbulbs are going to be his achievements, Democrats are going to do well on Election Night.

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