Glenn Beck Claims that America is not a Democratic Society

Last updated on August 10th, 2014 at 05:03 pm

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Glenn Beck Claims that America is not a Democratic Society

Glenn Beck Hates Democracy

On the Monday edition of his Fox News program, Glenn Beck claimed that America is not a democratic society. While smearing the mother of a woman who died without healthcare, Beck said, “Well, we’re not a democratic society. I think that was the Soviet Union. I believe it is the democratic socialist republic in China as well.” Beck appears to be calling for the abolition of democracy in the United States of America.

Here is the video courtesy of Media Matters (Relevant video at 4:00):

Beck said, “Boy there are pesky phases that one that we should point out, social justice, shared community, and collective responsibility. Let’s not forget truly democratic society. Well, we’re not a democratic society. I think that was the Soviet Union. I believe it is the democratic socialist republic in China as well. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, everybody, all of the Founders repeatedly said because they knew democracies do not work, they never have, but Progressives, Marxists, really led by the Communists at the turn of the 1900s, they knew democracy was the way to get people to vote for dictators, and you hear it all of the time, how democratically elected Hugo Chavez, the democratically elected Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin, the democratically elected leadership in Iran.”

Beck was intentionally distorting the terms democracy and Democratic in his little rant. The United States is in fact a democratic society. The Founders designed a system of government called a representative democracy. Perhaps, Glenn Beck, the expert on the Founding Fathers has never heard of this portion of their work? Beck was also intentionally confusing the democratic election process with open multiparty democratic elections. Of course of the elections that he referred to were democratic, in process, but with the exception Chavez, none of his examples were multi-party elections.

The message that Beck was sending to his viewers is that they should hate and distrust the democratic process which our political system is built upon. Beck was advocating for a totalitarian type of ruler, and the abolition of democracy in the United States of America. These are the words of the styled patriot and freedom fighter. If democracy is used in the United States to elect tyrants, it is obvious that Republicans like George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan were also tyrants because they were democratically elected too. Beck argued for the demise of democracy, and one really can’t get more un-American than that.

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