Paul Ryan Doubles Down On Stupid By Formally Asking That Clinton Be Denied Classified Info

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 07:09 pm

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Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) upped the ante on dumb by formally sending a letter to Director of National Intelligence Clapper requesting that Hillary Clinton be denied access to classified information during the presidential campaign.

Here’s the letter:

Paul Ryan thinks that Hillary Clinton shouldn’t be given access to classified information, but is all in favor of the guy who tweeted this having access to secret info:

Ryan wants the guy who spends his time on a delusional jihad against Disney in an attempt to defend his anti-Semitism to get classified briefings, but the former Sec. of State is a security risk.

It is clear who the risk to national security is in this presidential campaign, and it is not Hillary Clinton. Republicans are doing what they do best. They are overplaying the hand while descending into the realm of absurd conspiracy theories.

Just when one thought Republicans couldn’t be any more insulting to the nation’s collective intelligence, Paul Ryan tries to sell Hillary Clinton as a national security threat while supporting Donald Trump.

Paul Ryan is committing career suicide right before our eyes.

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