CNN Defies Trump By Airing Full Audio Of Blacked Out White House Briefing

Only CNN aired the full audio of the Trump administration’s no video daily press briefing in defiance of the White House’s attempts to hide information from the American people.

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Hadas Gold of Politico tweeted:

The PBS Newshour tried to live stream the briefing, but their stream cut out after 5:55:

There is a mixture of opinion on how to handle Trump’s daily press briefing blackout. Some networks like CNN carry the briefing in full in the name of informing the public, while MSNBC is carrying only portions of the briefing and denying the President the media attention that he so desperately craves. There are two schools of thought. One is that the media should not reward Trump’s diminishing of the briefing by giving airtime to the audio only gaggles. The other is that the public has a right to know, and airing the audio only briefings highlights the absurdity of this administration.

The American people deserve a government that will be accountable and answer questions. The Trump White House is trying to slowly kill the daily briefing, and those who choose to adapt to the new “normal” are only helping this administration keep the American people in the dark.

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