Charlie Crist Leads Rick Scott In a Florida Governor’s Race Where Every Vote Will Matter

charlie crist
The Florida governor’s election is close with Democrat Charlie Crist at 42% among likely voters, and incumbent Republican Rick Scott 41% according to a Quinnipiac University Poll released Monday, the day before the November 4th elections.

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There are 9% who are undecided as of yet (side eyeing these folks). Libertarian Adrian Wyllie gets 7%, but out of the race, Crist gets 44% to Scott’s 42%. Go and explain that one. Libertarians breaking for the Democrat? Maybe they are true anti-corporatists turned off by Scott’s part in the FBI’s highest priority white-collar crimes, or maybe Scott’s history of defrauding the government in order to pad his own business doesn’t sit well with them. Maybe Libertarians are less impressed with felony convictions than your average proud Republican.

At any rate, men seemed impressed by Rick Scott’s ability to funnel their money into his own pockets. Scott leads leads Crist among men 47 – 34%. Women are not so impressed. So Charlie Crist, Mr. Reasonable who used to be a Republican until they went crazy, leads Scott 50 – 35% with women and 39 – 32 with Independents.

Elections across the country are this close. What this means is every vote will matter. Every vote can be the vote the shaped the destiny of a state, or even the country. At a time when the average worker feels so disempowered, it’s incredible to realize that your vote has so much power. Just a few votes can decide the future.

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