House Democrats Rip Paul Ryan For His Idiotic Defense Of Trump’s Obstruction Of Justice

House Oversight Democrats tore through Speaker Paul Ryan’s bogus defense that Trump should get a free pass on obstructing justice because he’s new at this by producing the evidence that the President knew exactly what he was doing.

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While meeting with reporters, Speaker Ryan said, “The president’s new at this. He’s new to government, and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He’s just new to this.â€

The House Oversight Democrats tweeted:

The evidence is in the video that the Democrats posted above. Comey told Trump about his inappropriate behavior, and Trump responded by again asking him for his loyalty. Trump knew better, but he wanted Comey to kill the Russia investigation.

The fact that Paul Ryan would float such a dopey defense of this president suggests that Ryan has zero integrity. He is going to keep protecting Trump until he gets his tax cuts for millionaires. Trump launched his campaign nearly two years ago. He isn’t new to politics.

If this is the best excuse that Paul Ryan could come up with, Republicans are in big trouble.

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