As 10 US Sailors Are Missing, Lunatic Donald Trump Rants About Fake News

Donald Trump spent one sentence talking about the ten sailors who are missing after the USS John S. McCain collided with a merchant vessel outside of Singapore. Trump did spend several tweets ranting and raving about fake news.

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Trump continues to show that his only priority is Trump.

First, he tweeted:

Then, it was time to talk about what was really on Trump’s mind. The media calling out his racism:

Forget about those ten sailors who may have lost their lives while serving their country. What is really important is that the news is mean to Trump because they report on his support and elevation of racists.

America doesn’t have a president. The country has a self-absorbed toddler who appears to be incapable of fulfilling the duties of the presidency. Trump didn’t reach out to the family of Heather Heyer, the woman who was murdered in the domestic terror attack in Charlottesville, VA, until her funeral. The President virtually ignores the potential deaths and injuries to US military personnel.

Trump is behaving like a lunatic who is off in his own little world. At a time when America needs a president, Donald Trump is off in the corner obsessing over his media coverage.

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