drop box watcher in Arizona tries to intimidate voters

Arizona Drop Box Watchers Are Now Being Watched As Americans Reject Voter Intimidation

The leader of the group intimidating voters at drop boxes in Arizona is complaining that the right-wing drop box watchers are now being harassed.

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Melody Jennings complained on Steve Bannon’s podcast:

Jennings complained that the right-wingers who are trying to intimidate voters are being intimidated, “We have the picture of that person who came up to them laughing it up with the news. We have a picture of it, and we also have footage of the news staging a whole situation on this last Saturday evening, which we haven’t broken yet. We will, but honestly, this is going to go in our direction because if anyone is doing the intimidating, it’s them.”

People on Twitter found out where these drop box watchers are and went to see them, and the media knows where they are and are also watching them.

The group that was supposed to be stationed at drop boxes and intimidating voters is now being watched and complaining that they are being intimidated.

The American people aren’t going to sit back and allow authoritarians to scare them out of their vote.

The drop box watchers in Arizona are now being watched, and it turns out that they don’t like when real patriots and the free press show up to hold them accountable.


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