Governor Scott Orders 1.5 Million Floridians to Flee the Result of Climate Change
“Scientists are confident that as we continue to heat up the oceans, we’re going to see more of these high-end perfect storms.”
“Scientists are confident that as we continue to heat up the oceans, we’re going to see more of these high-end perfect storms.”
The anti-science crowd loves science that gave them automobiles, medicine, electricity, sanitation, and ability to communicate easily with any location on Earth, and they depend on medical science to eliminate threats to their lives. It is curious, then, that when the preponderance of scientists from around the world warn them of an existential threat to their health, well-being, and their nation’s survival, the extremists claim it is “an attack on their way of life.”
It’s truly sad when the individuals who creates the laws that regulate greenhouse gas emissions understands nothing about carbon dioxide.