Nancy Pelosi Calls Out Republican Tea Partier on the House Floor

Last updated on February 8th, 2013 at 12:38 am

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Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has had enough Republican tea smirks for the day. She took to the House floor to tell Pete Sessions (R-TX) off, “Do I detect your smirk to mean that you don’t think Republicans will vote for middle income tax cuts, Mr. Sessions?”

h/t Anomaly at FON

Pelosi: Do I detect your smirk to mean that you don’t think Republicans will vote for middle income tax cuts, Mr. Sessions, should I take it to mean that you will continue to hold middle income tax cuts hostage, giving tax cuts to the wealthiest people in our country? The unfairness of it is appalling, the fact that it increases the deficit is disgraceful, and that it does not create jobs is a big mistake for us to make.”

Mr. Sessions is a member of the Tea Party caucus. Enough said.

Smirk away, Republicans. It’s your approval rating on the line, along with the country’s credit rating that the Republicans already ruined, and any notion that they actually care about fiscal responsibility (that meme should have died a long time ago when Cheney told us deficits don’t matter).

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