Trump University Clinton campaign

Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Just Released A Devastating Web Ad About Trump University

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 07:02 pm

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Hillary Clinton’s campaign isn’t letting up in its effort to expose Donald Trump as the con artist that he is, particular when it comes to the controversy over Trump University.

Earlier on Wednesday in New Jersey, the former Secretary of State annihilated the presumptive GOP nominee, calling him a “fraud” who is “trying to scam America the way he scammed all these people at Trump U.”

Just hours after delivering those remarks in the Garden State, Clinton posted a devastating web ad on Facebook with the caption, “Trump University was a vehicle for Donald Trump to exploit vulnerable Americans for his own gain.”


The video touches on a flurry of recent media reports that have revealed Trump University to be “a fraudulent scheme” that targeted the money of “single parents with hungry kids.

As the video concludes, footage of Trump starring in a Trump University infomercial appears on screen and the spray-tanned billionaire says, “That’s what it’s all about.”

The web ad is further proof that the Clinton campaign is not letting up in its scrutiny of Trump’s shady past, much of which is still unknown to the public. Campaign officials have indicated that this is just the beginning of the Trump U onslaught.

“Confident that voters don’t know enough about Trump U yet,” Clinton Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri tweeted out on Wednesday. “So expect to hear quite a bit more from us on this topic.

Trump, irked by people calling him out for his scams, posted a tweet of his own on Wednesday evening hoping to change the subject back to the non-issue of Hillary Clinton’s emails:

Trump’s temper tantrums are a pretty clear indication that the Clinton campaign is getting under the Republican’s thin, orange skin. Something tells me the likely Democratic nominee won’t be letting up anytime soon.

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