Trump racist

Outraged Reactions to Trump Choice of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General Roll In

Now that we know Donald Trump’s choice for attorney general is Jeff Sessions – a racist among racists – reactions are beginning to come in.

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Joe Walsh predictably tweeted “Good pick. Good man,” and Lou Dobbs called Sessions “a great man,” but non-bigots not so enthusiastic.

Stalwart Trump foe Ana Navarro leads the charge with this pithy comment:

Actor/comedian and Twitter wit John Fugelsang tweeted,

Huffington Post‘s Ryan J. Reilly directed his response to the context, and it is not favorable to Trump’s pick:

The Washington Post‘s Wesley Lowery also pointed to Session’s complete unsuitability to the post:

Here is another, stressing what Session’s appointment means to women:

Mrs. Betty Bowers, that inimitable mocker of all things Religious Right, chimed in with,

MTV News’ Jamil Smith gets the last word for now:

Indeed. That would be news. But don’t hold your breath.

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