Rick Santorum Says He Decides What is Constitutional, Not the Supreme Court
Rick Santorum says says you refusing to believe what he wants you to believe is a violation of the First Amendment
Rick Santorum says says you refusing to believe what he wants you to believe is a violation of the First Amendment
No, our government is not run by Nazis, but I have no doubt that if it was, Jim Bakker and Rick Wiles would be the first to join
After an eight hour siege in which terrorists massacred children and teachers, President Obama strongly condemned their depravity and reiterated the commitment of the United States government in supporting the Pakistani government in its fight against terrorism.
When he says he is going to shut down the government and then shuts down the government and then says he never shut down the government but he will do it again, dammit, you better listen.
Ralph Nader is railing against the “imperial presidency” but has nothing to say about our runaway, do-nothing Congress. It makes no sense to rail against the one while ignoring the other.
It seems everyone is calling Republican Senator Ted Cruz the new McCarthy. But there’s not one “new McCarthy” in the GOP, but rather a party of new McCarthys.
Israel could not have attacked Gaza without the tacit consent of the American government, which persists in seeing Israel as the victim
The braniacs at World Net Daily and the American Family Association have convinced themselves we voted for Obama because George Clooney did
Paul Ryan says Obama’s path compromises some non-existent values; the real problem is that Obama stands between Ryan and the Constitution
This morning, Mitt Romney doubled down on his embarrassingly tone deaf and flat out wrong accusations against Obama over the Libya and Egypt embassy attacks.