Trump Humiliates Himself In Front Of The World With A Deranged Campaign Speech At The UN

Trump opened his mouth to speak to the world, and what came out was a humiliating attempt to justify his failed presidency.

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Trump said, “The United States has done very well since election day last November eighth. The stock market is at an all-time high, a record. Unemployment is at its lowest level in sixteen years, and because of our regulatory and other reforms, we have more people working in the United States today than ever before. Companies are moving back creating job growth the likes of which our country has not seen in a very long time, and it has just been announced that we will be spending seven hundred billion dollars on our military and defense. Our military will soon be the strongest it has ever been.”

The stock market is at a record high, and unemployment is at a 16 year low, but everything else Trump said was a shaded falsehood. More people are working than ever before, not due to anything Trump did, but population growth. The economy is losing jobs under Trump compared to Obama. Companies aren’t bringing jobs back to the US. They continue to ship jobs out of the country on a daily basis.

Trump’s compulsion to justify his failed presidency in front of the entire world with campaign language was both pathetic and humiliating. The President Of The United States should not be so weak and insecure that he feels the need to boast about things that the rest of the world doesn’t care about to prove that he deserves a seat at the grown-up table.

Donald Trump is an embarrassment, and every time he speaks to the world he damages America and the presidency.

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