Even Republicans Are Admitting That Trump Is Boring America With His Schtick

Republican speechwriter and columnist Peggy Noonan spoke the truth. She said that America has caught on to Trump’s schtick and it is boring them.

Read the biggest developments from Michael Cohen's testimony.



Noonan said on MSNBC’s Hardball, “I don’t know. Donald Trump has been topic in American conversation since June of 2015. That’s about 2 1/2 years, right? So it’s been awhile. He has been the subject of obsession, et cetera. I sense that he’s too much, way, way too much in everybody’s face and he’s starting to bore them because they get the schtick.”

Noonan was correct people know the game. Trump is a one trick pony, who is going to lie and exaggerate every single day. Trump’s need for attention is relentless, and one gets the sense that he bored America long ago, and most people have tuned him out.

According to excerpts released by the White House, Trump’s State Of The Union will be more self-congratulatory exaggerations and lies.

For example, Trump will say:

• We have ENDED the war on American Energy – and we have ENDED the War on CLEAN COAL. We are now an exporter of energy to the world.

• Last year I pledged that we would work with our allies to extinguish ISIS from the face of the earth. One year later, I’m proud to report that the coalition to defeat ISIS has liberated almost 100 percent of the territory once held by these killers in Iraq and Syria. But there is much more work to be done. We will continue our fight until ISIS is defeated.

The novelty has worn off the high wire act is over. Don’t expect amazing TV ratings for Trump’s SOTU as most Americans have already blocked out the ever attention craving president.

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