Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff

Pelosi And Schiff Out Russian Election Interference After Trump Cancels Security Briefings

Trump canceled election security briefings so Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff outed Russia as the only foreign country interfering to help Trump.

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Pelosi and Schiff said in part in a joint statement provided to PoliticusUSA:

Instead of transparency, the Trump Administration, including President Trump, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, has already sought to promote a false narrative of equivalence among the interests of several nations in U.S. elections and policy. The aims and actions of Russia, China and Iran are not the same. Only one country – Russia – is actively undertaking a range of measures to undermine the presidential election and to secure the outcome that the Kremlin sees as best serving its interests.

We expect the Administration and Intelligence Community to keep us fully and accurately informed, and resume the briefings. If they are unwilling to, we will consider the full range of tools available to the House to compel compliance.

The White House and their congressional Republican allies have been floating the idea that Russia, China, and Iran were all doing the same thing. The new information is that Russia is the only country that is interfering in the 2020 election to influence the results.

The House and Senate do have the ability to compel election security briefings, but as is the playbook with Trump, the President’s strategy is focused on delaying and holding off the briefings until after the election is over.

There is only one foreign country that is trying to influence the election results and help Donald Trump win, and just like in 2016, that country is Russia.

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