Trump lies about playing golf during embassy attack

Trump’s Golf Company Pushes Dangerous Theory That Alcohol Will Cure The Coronavirus

In a video shared by Donald Trump’s golf company on Twitter, professional golfer and Trump supporter John Daly suggested alcohol will cure the coronavirus.

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“I kinda got a cure for this, ya know. I think you just take – I only drink one drink a day, it just happens to be a bottle of good old Belvedere,” the golfer said. “That’s the way you kill this coronavirus, I believe.”


Daly said:

Just want to wish everybody safe and be healthy and be smart and hopefully we’ll get over this thing pretty soon. We’ll get back out playing a lot more golf and everybody go back to work. But I kinda got a cure for this, ya know. I think you just take – I only drink one drink a day, it just happens to be a bottle of good old Belvedere. You know you just drink one of these a day, sippy-sippy on a little McDonald’s Diet Coke, you know, wash it down pretty good. Never have a hangover. And that’s the way you kill this coronavirus, I believe. But ya’ll be safe and take care and hopefully be getting back to the things we do best pretty soon.

The World Health Organization suggests reducing – not increasing – alcohol consumption to combat coronavirus

Despite the completely unsolicited medical advice from the president’s golf buddy, the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests reducing or even eliminating alcohol consumption during the pandemic.

According to a fact sheet released by the WHO, “Alcohol use, especially heavy use, weakens the immune system and thus reduces the ability to cope with infectious diseases.”

The fact sheet continues, “Heavy use of alcohol increases the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), one of the most severe complications of COVID-19.”

The lesson here is the same lesson the American people have been learning throughout this pandemic: Listen to scientists and medical experts, not Donald Trump and the unqualified people in his orbit.

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