Trump Is Having Trouble Finding Delegates To Go To His Convention

Some state Republican parties are having trouble finding delegates who are willing to go to Trump’s convention due to coronavirus concerns.

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The New York Times reported:

Adding to the uncertainty surrounding the convention is the trepidation delegates are feeling about attending a crowded gathering. Already, states like Indiana are having difficulty filling both their delegate and alternate spots. Many convention delegates are over 60 and therefore more vulnerable to the virus.

Indiana, Vice President Mike Pence’s home state, has struggled to fill its slots with the party donors and activists who typically compete for the highly coveted positions to represent the state on the convention floor. Instead, people involved in the process said they have been receiving submissions from unknown Republicans, and have expressed concerns that they don’t even know whether or not those people are pro-Trump. That risks upending years of careful planning on the part of the Trump campaign to ensure a smooth coronation-style convention for the president, with no dissent on the floor the way there was four years ago.

Trump does not want his convention to follow social distancing guidelines or mandate that convention attendees wear masks. Trump has refused to deliver an acceptance speech unless the room is full. Some Republican delegates are refusing to risk getting the coronavirus just so they can be props in Trump’s convention show.

The odds are that Trump is going to move the convention to Florida, and it would not be a surprise if he chose to hold most of it at the same failing golf club where he tried to host the G-7.

Trump doesn’t care if his delegates get coronavirus and die. All he wants is the visual of a capacity crowd so that he looks good on TV.

Rachel Maddow and MSNBC group.

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