Obama Gets A Gigantic Win As Supreme Court Rules ACA Subsidies Are Constitutional 6-3


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In a decision that crushed Republican hopes of using the judicial system to gut Obamacare, the Supreme Court ruled by a 6-3 margin that the subsidies are constitutional under the ACA.

This defeat means that the Republican efforts to gut Obamacare have come to a grinding halt. The King v. Burwell case was the GOP’s last chance to get a court ruling that would effectively gut the ACA. Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kennedy sided with the majority and wrote the opinion.

Republican presidential candidates will use this ruling as fodder for their platform of overturning Obamacare, but a recent CBS poll found that more people approve of Obamacare than disapprove of the ACA.

President Obama’s legacy has been validated. All the talk of trade agreements and other issues being legacy defining was nothing more than political chatter. Obama’s legacy is the ACA.

The Supreme Court said that subsidies were available to all Americans. The size of this victory for President Obama and Democrats can’t be underestimated. Republicans have been crushed by the High Court today as 6.4 million Americans will get to keep their affordable healthcare.

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