Ammon Bundy and Followers Arrested in Traffic Stop, 1 Dead

Ammon Bundy fought the law and the law won yesterday, at 4:25 p.m. local time (0025 GMT) in Oregon, 26 days after he and his band of domestic terrorists illegally occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

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The drama played out 20 miles south of Burns along Highway 395, miles away from the refuge, when the F.B.I. and Oregon State Police stopped two vehicles containing Bundy and five others, including his brother Ryan.

Several shots were fired. One person was killed. Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, who earlier called on other Republicans to join the Bundy insurrection, tweeted the man killed was Arizona rancher LaVoy Finicum, the group’s spokesman, and that Ryan Bundy had been shot in the arm.

This seems to be confirmed by the group’s Facebook page, where Finicum, whom the FBI said “was a subject of a federal probable cause arrest,” is referred to as a hero who was “murdered…while he was unarmed with his hands in the air.”


However, authorities revealed that everyone obeyed the order to surrender but Finicum and Ryan Bundy, and shots were fired, though the details are unclear at this point. Finicum had told CNN earlier in January that he would rather die than be arrested. The state police are investigating the shooting.

Ammon Bundy, significantly, after all the bluster, failed to fight to the death against imagined federal tyranny.

The band of terrorists were on their way to a community meeting in John Day, Oregon, when they were stopped. Ammon was going to be the guest speaker. Among those arrested with the Bundy brothers were Shawna Cox, Ryan Waylen Payne and Brian Cavalier. Two others were arrested 30 miles away in Burns, Oregon, later, and a third turned himself into police in Peoria, Arizona. This leaves terrorist Jason Patrick and several others inside the refuge.

Patrick has told Reuters that the remaining occupiers would stay until the “redress of grievances,” whatever that means. Showing the group’s continued propensity to stupid, Patrick compared Finicum’s death to that of Tamir Rice.

The so-called Citizens for Constitutional Freedom – in reality more of a Citizens for Appropriating Other Peoples’ Property – seem to be facing the end.

If what the Burns Paiute tribe referred to as a “bunch of bullies and little criminals” didn’t go out in a Bonnie & Clyde blaze of glory, they are showing America that nobody is above the law, and that all their talk of violent confrontation was the talk of people who assumed they could do whatever they wanted and get away with it.

Getting into a car and driving to a community meeting was the ultimate act of arrogance by the terrorist Bundy. And it cost him.

According to CNN,

All eight people arrested Tuesday face a federal felony charge relating to their occupation of the refuge: conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation or threats, authorities said. It’s unclear when they’ll make their first court appearances.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown tweeted last night that,

“The situation in Harney County continues to be the subject of a federal investigation that is in progress. My priority is the safety of all Oregonians & communities. I ask for patience as officials continue pursuit of a swift & peaceful resolution.”

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) said in a statement:

“I am pleased that the FBI has listened to the concerns of the local community and responded to the illegal activity occurring in Harney County by outside extremists. The leaders of this group are now in custody and I hope that the remaining individuals occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge will peacefully surrender so this community can begin to heal the deep wounds that this illegal activity has created over the last month.”

As of this morning, their Facebook page was telling us that communications are going in and out and that a large convoy is inbound.

What the group has managed to accomplish so far is to disrupt the live so innocent people, destroy federal property, threaten federal agents, get one person killed, another shot, and cost taxpayers in Oregon about $100,000 per week.

Whatever they may want you to believe, these men and women are not the patriots of 1776, but rather petty thieves with delusions of grandeur. Now the Constitution they so hate will guarantee them their day in court.

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