Obama Went To Canada And Obliterated Donald Trump Without Ever Saying His Name

Obama never mentioned Trump’s name during a speech in Montreal, but he obliterated Trump’s vision of an America that withdraws from the world and lives in a society of bigotry and division.

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Obama took on Trump’s withdrawal of the US from the rest of the world by saying, “In an age of instant information where TV and Twitter can feed us a steady stream of bad news, and sometimes fake news, it can seem like the international order that we created is being constantly tested and that the center may not hold, and in some cases that leads people to search for certainty and control, and call for isolationism or nationalism, or they can suggest rolling back the rights of others, or simply they can try to retreat and suggest that we have no obligations beyond our borders or beyond our communities, beyond our tribe.”

Obama stressed that we need to replace fear with hope, and later he added. “When we lead with our hopes and not our fears, we are capable of doing things that other nations can not do.”

Near the close of his speech, the former president said, “I am convinced that the future does not belong to strongmen. I believe equally that the liberal international order based not juat on military power or national affilitations, but on principles, on rule of law, on human rights, on individual freedoms, on empathy, on understanding across cultures, that’s our only choice.”

For those in US and around the world who are worried about American leadership, Obama’s speech was reminder that Trump is a speed bump in the road of progress. The former President explained why the backward ideology of Trump is doomed to fail. Trump’s America First slogan is an excuse for isolation, withdrawal, and US abdication of global leadership.

Obama obliterated the ideology behind Trump and in the orocess does what he does best. Barack Obama stepped onto the world stage and provided a forward thinking vision that eloquated his faith in hope and believe that progress always wins.

The former president demonstrated that he is everything that Donald Trump never will be.

Barack Obama is a real president.

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