Trump Throws Himself A Pity Party During Cabinet Meeting Meltdown

Trump threw himself a pity party and said that he needs to relax more as president because he didn’t get to go to his Florida club for the holidays.

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According to The White House pool report as sent to PoliticusUSA:

The president said his job would be “a lot easier if I just relaxed and enjoyed the presidency like a lot of other people have doneâ€

The president also addressed the markets. “We had a little glitch in the stock market last month,†he said, predicting that markets would
soar after trade deals are complete.

Trump Doesn’t Start Work Until 11 AM

According to Trump’s leaked private schedule, he doesn’t start work until 11 AM each day and leaves the Oval Office by 6 PM. Trump only “works” a seven-hour day, but from his public schedule, it can be seen that Trump doesn’t work all seven of those hours. He usually has a few hours for lunch and “executive time,” which is White House code for Trump tweeting and watching Fox News. It is a big day for Trump if he holds three events.

Trump’s problem isn’t that he doesn’t relax enough. It is that he is never at work. `

Trump is upset because he had to spend the holidays in the White House

Instead of spending the holidays bilking the taxpayers and promoting his private for-profit club, Trump is mad because he had to stay in the White House. That is the basis for Trump’s woe is me. I’m so stressed out act. If Trump thinks he’s stressed, he ought to spend two seconds considering all of the government workers and their families who aren’t getting paid because he shut down the government.

While hundreds of thousands of federal workers wonder how they are going to put food on the table, Trump is upset because he didn’t get his vacation.

Trump isn’t just out of touch with America. He doesn’t even care.

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