Pelosi Tells Mitch McConnell No Pro-Corporation Coronavirus Stimulus

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 08:57 pm

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Speaker Pelosi shot down Mitch McConnell’s pro-corporation coronavirus stimulus bill as a non-starter for the American people.

Pelosi said in a letter to her colleagues provided to PoliticusUSA:

As you know, Senator McConnell has released his proposal for a third coronavirus response package, which is not at all pro-worker and puts corporations ahead of working people. As written, it is a non-starter.


First and foremost, our response must address the coronavirus outbreak as the public health crisis that it is: rebuilding our health care infrastructure on a national scale and securing the resources to test and treat everyone. We must do everything that we can to support doctors and scientists as they pursue treatments, a cure and a vaccine.


At the same time, we must tighten the safety net in America, which is sadly and seriously frayed. Any response package must greatly increase Unemployment Insurance and Medicaid, help small businesses survive, expand paid sick and family leave and put money directly into the hands of those who need it most.


United by our values, as we protect the health and economic security of the American people, House Democrats will put Families and Workers First.

Mitch McConnell’s pro-corporation coronavirus stimulus bill, which was an insult to people who need help right now is dead in the water. The House is going to try to fix McConnell’s bill and send it back to the Senate, but what’s clear is that Republicans are attempting to use the coronavirus epidemic as cover for more money for corporations that they are attempting to disguise as aid to every American.

Nancy Pelosi is standing up for the American people, and without the House Democratic majority, Republicans would bail out corporations and cut taxes for the wealthy while calling it coronavirus stimulus.

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