Trump Attacks the Ronald Reagan Foundation and Fox News as Poll Numbers Sink

Donald Trump attacked two conservative bastions over the weekend in an outburst that was likely caused by his consistently poor performance in national polls.

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The President took aim at Fox News – a reliably conservative network that he sometimes claims is insufficiently loyal – but he also attacked the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute.

The Reagan Foundation asked the Republican National Committee not to use the late president’s image in campaign materials. Trump was also angered to learn that the foundation’s chairman is also publisher and CEO of The Washington Post.

So the Washington Post is running the Reagan Foundation, and RINO Paul Ryan is on the Board of Fox, which has been terrible,” the President wrote.

“We will win anyway, even with the phony Fox News suppression polls (which have been seriously wrong for 5 years)!”

Fox News polls are widely considered to be highly reliable but have recently shown Trump losing to former Vice President Joe Biden. This has led him to lash out at the normally Trump-friendly network.

The Reagan Foundation raised concerns about the GOP using President Reagan’s image “without our consent” since the foundation owns the legal rights to it.

The Trump campaign was offering “limited edition” gold-colored coins featuring Reagan and Trump. A donation of $45 or more would give the donor a chance to win them.

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