Fox News Is Unraveling As Their “Objective Witness” To McKinney Pool Party Is A Convicted Felon

Megyn Kelly wrong again

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Megyn Kelly needed to assure viewers that the horrific violence enacted upon a 15-year-old black teenager by Corporal Eric Casebolt during the McKinney pool party debacle, as well as the same officer drawing his gun on two other black teenagers for no justifiable reason, was not racially motivated.

In order to accomplish this rather Herculean task given the video, Megyn Kelly had on Sean Toon as a “witness” and a “resident”, who explained “what really happened.” Yep, watch Fox and you’d think Toon is just a random dude who called the police because he was worried about the music being played and some teenagers were accusing “residents” of being racist. Totally out of the blue, you understand.

“Witness” explains it’s not racial:

Fox News Megyn Kelly "witness"

Sean is a guy who only wanted to be known by his first name, which should have at least sparked a warning enough that her producers did a background check. I did it yesterday. And guess what?

Dude has a record. Dude was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in September 2000, for which he served 75 days in jail, according to the Guardian.

This doesn’t mean that his account isn’t accurate, but it does call into question his character when he is justifying violence. It would give a reasonable person pause with one conviction (wait for it).

After all, Toon was one of the people who called police, and his wife Barber Toon was also at the pool party Friday night. In fact, Sean’s wife is the person seen in the original fight (including what looks like pulling a teenager’s hair) that caused her husband to call the police. He left that part out.

Yet her husband Sean is such a stellar member of the community that the police took his word for things and Officer Eric Casebolt, who has now resigned after abusing his authority, took it upon himself to round up all of the kids of color. Based on the words of a convicted criminal. But race is totally not an issue.

Why were only dark skinned kids chased down and tackled to the ground? (To be clear, there is only one officer who behaved in an overtly racist and violent manner, the rest tried to keep things calm and did their job properly, even restraining him at one point.)

Buzzfeed reported that Fox and Friends replayed Toon’s version of events in the morning. They also report that it was actually Toon, Kelly’s “witness”, who yelled racist things at the teenagers:

What Toon has failed to mention, though, is that he was part of a group of adults that, according to teens at the pool party, initially made racist comments to the mostly black youths, sparking a violent fight.

“I’m 100% sure that he said, ‘You should go back to the Section 8 [public] housing where you’re from because you don’t belong in our neighborhood,'” Grace Stone, a 14-year-old white McKinney resident who defended her black friends, told BuzzFeed News. “That’s when I went off. I called him an asshole. He had no right to say that. You shouldn’t be that hateful. That’s when [one of Toon’s female acquaintances] came up to me and said, ‘You don’t talk to adults like that.’ She was saying I needed to do something with my life and find a nice path for myself.”

Lest this turn into he said, she said, the lady who organized the event corroborated Stone’s version of events according to Buzzfeed, including the charming use of the totally not-racial slur “black f**cker”. Oh.

So died the ridiculous notion that this wasn’t racial. And it’s starting to look like the “witness”, who was years earlier was arrested for aggravated assault, wasn’t so innocent.

But the bad news isn’t done yet. This Toon guy, Megyn Kelly’s “witness”, was also convicted in 1999 of felony criminal mischief and he pled guilty to killing and maiming animals as an 18-year-old.

Sean Toon was convicted of torturing animals and served 285 days in jail, according to records obtained by the Guardian:

Sean Toon was sentenced to more than nine months in jail after pleading guilty to killing and maiming prize farm animals and covering them in paint, according to court records in Texas. He was separately sentenced to two and a half months for an assault…

As a teenager, Toon had two serious encounters with the criminal justice system. He could not be reached for an interview. Asked whether he had any comment about his past crimes, his wife said in a text message: “In the end you will get what you deserve.”

So that’s a charming threat by the wife, the one in the video who is pulling the hair of a teenager. You know, the fight that started this whole McKinney pool party debacle. Good thing the police took Toon’s word for things.

But not nearly as charming as the details (WARNING, graphic) that caused Toon to not only be arrested, but expelled from school:

“Cows and pigs were cut and bruised, apparently beaten with wooden boards. And baby turkeys were slain, their limbs torn apart,” the Dallas Morning News reported at the time. Dale Gardner, a teacher in the school district’s agriscience and technology program, told the newspaper: “It was brutal. There’s no way to describe it. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The police officer who resigned is blaming emotional distress, because like every doctor, nurse and medic knows, dealing with emotionally disturbed people is a pass for becoming an aggressive lunatic on their next patient.

This concludes today’s episode of “It’s not racial!” brought to you by a twice convicted criminal and animal killer, his hair-pulling wife, and the white police officer who acted violently and aggressively based on their word.

Megyn Kelly is already looking dubious at best after her assist-style “interview”/public relations broadcast on behalf of the Duggars, which it turns out she conducted days after the Duggars refused to cooperate with the DHS who were concerned about a minor in the home. Fox News’ rising star is on a roll.

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