Democratic Electoral College Elector Says He Won’t Vote For Hillary Clinton

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:29 pm

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A Democratic electoral college elector in Washington state is refusing to vote for Hillary Clinton even if she wins the popular vote. If he sticks to his word, Clinton will need 271 electoral college votes to win the White House.

The AP reported:
Robert Satiacum, a member of Washington’s Puyallup Tribe, supported Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary. He said he believes Clinton is a “criminal” who doesn’t care enough about American Indians and “she’s done nothing but flip back and forth.”

He said he has wrestled with what to do, but feels that neither Clinton nor Republican Donald Trump can lead the country.

“She will not get my vote, period,” he said in a phone interview with The Associated Press.

The easy way around the problem is for Hillary Clinton to win more than 271 electoral college votes, which is exactly what she is on pace to do. According to the AP, 99% of the time, electoral college electors have voted with the popular vote, and the dissenters have never changed the outcome of a presidential election.

If the 2016 election ends up being close, Satiacum’s stunt is certain to renew calls for the abolition of the electoral college system.

The 2016 election has been one of the most bizarre campaigns in presidential election history, so of course if an elector were going to go rogue, it would have to happen in this election.

Anything else would be too sane and normal for a cycle that gave the history books Republican nominee, Donald Trump.

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