Hillary Clinton Returns To Remind Everyone What a President Is Supposed to Act Like

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:39 pm

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Perhaps it’s fitting that as Donald Trump stocks his cabinet with cronies, misfits, and stooges, Hillary Clinton, who was favored to win the 2016 presidential election, is the one who is actually acting presidential.

“After a few weeks of taking selfies in the woods, I thought it’d be a good idea to come out,” the former Secretary of State told the audience, to appreciative (tinged with desperation? It’s possible I’m projecting) laughter. Clinton’s self-deprecating humor shows the thicker skin needed in a president.

In case you’ve already forgotten, this is what a president sounds like.

Watch a short clip here via CNB News:

No Hamilton tweet poutfests for Ms. Clinton. No, Hillary Clinton can roll with the punches and poke fun at herself, even after what has to be the most painful defeat a politician can imagine, losing to someone as unfit as Donald Trump.

It’s hard to watch Hillary Clinton right now, because the nation chose her over Donald Trump by at least 2.5 million votes. Donald Trump enters office with the lowest approval rating of any president-elect in 27 years, according to a new Pew poll.

The person whose character and fortitude pushed her to came out of hiding to honor Senator Harry Reid as he leaves office is the person who should have been our president. Instead we are stuck with the guy who took a call with Taiwan, praised the despotic president of Kazakhstan, and said he hoped to visit Pakistan, all while dealing with crisis after crisis of his own making, including the fallout from his choice for conspiracy artist General Michael Flynn as his National Security Adviser.

If only Santa could bring us the woman taking selfies in the woods as president.

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