Donald Trump Jr. Just Released Smoking Gun Emails That Prove Russia Was Supporting Trump

Donald Trump Jr. dug himself and his father in deeper on the Russia scandal by releasing transcripts of emails that show Russia was supporting Donald Trump for president, and that Donald Trump Sr. had a direct connection to Russia.

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Trump Jr. tweeted:

The emails literally say that what Russia was doing was part of their support for Trump and that Trump himself had a direct connection to Russia. Donald Trump Jr. released these emails to back up his story that he was lured into the meeting by a promise of Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton.

The whole thing has now blown up in his face, as Trump Jr. is releasing evidence that the Russians were supporting the Trump campaign and that the Trump camp was open to cutting a deal with Russia in exchange for dirt that they could use on Hillary Clinton.

Each step that Donald Trump Jr. takes on this story is another move towards the impeachment of his father.

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