“Trump Vindicated” Is Birther Felon Code Blaming Obama For Their Own Crimes

It’s trending on Twitter, which belies the conservative claims that Twitter is a liberal conspiracy against them, unless they are admitting that they have to use Russian bots to hoist their fantasies above reality.

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“Trump vindicated.”

Has Trump’s paranoia and false accusation against former President Obama been vindicated by the news that his campaign adviser Paul Manafort was being wiretapped by the FBI?

It wasn’t enough that Trump’s own Justice Department was forced to debunked their delusional executive’s fantasies of being persecuted by Obama. Reality is just not going to penetrate the dense, muddy walls of Trump cultism.

To wit, the felon and Republican birther Dinesh D’Souza, who shares the conservative persecution complex that endears people like Trump and Palin to the base and whose mind and ethics are seemingly of one with President Trump, thinks so:

D’Souza broke a campaign finance law, or as he put it, “the government tried to get me and failed,†because “Obama is a petty, vindictive guy.”

That is conservative for: D’Souza pled guilty.

As Sean Colarossi pointed out in these pages, this Breitbart peddled fantasy ignores the fact that “Trump Tower’s ‘wires’ were not the target; Paul Manafort was. And the same CNN report noted that even though Manafort does have a residence inside Trump Tower, ‘it’s unclear whether FBI surveillance of him took place there.’


Their latest alternative fact, peddled by Breitbart: Trump has been “vindicated†by new CNN reporting that his former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was wiretapped under a secret court order. CNN notes that Manafort spoke to Trump after the election and may have sought Russia’s help during the election.

The New York Times also reported on Monday that “prosecutors told Mr. Manafort they planned to indict him†after they raided his home in July.

This shared delusion in the Trump cult ignores problems like this:

If Paul Manafort was being wiretapped during this time, those tapes could contradict these claims. It is also not clear yet whether or not Trump was even caught on the wiretaps. But Obama.

Reality is unkind to those who refuse to acknowledge her, even a little.

The larger problem here is that the Trump cult is actually trying to justify being outraged that our government listened in as someone in the Trump campaign potentially sought to conspire with suspected Russian operatives, an act which provokes interception under FISA.

You speak to a suspected Russian operative, you’re probably being wiretapped.

Complaining about being caught because you were talking to Russian operatives, which provoked the U.S. government to see you as a potential threat to this country, and thinking that’s the win is like complaining that the 7-11 has video surveillance after you’re caught stealing from them.

This is exactly what the Trump cult is doing right now, with their “Trump vindicated” wails. The “Obama is targeting me” cry is code for “I’m guilty, but blame the black man.”

Conservatives like these have divided this country with their pathetic and relentless use of racism as a political tool. It’s not Obama’s fault that Paul Manafort talked to Russian spies and it’s not Obama’s fault that Dinesh D’Souza broke campaign finance laws. Gone is the party of “personal responsibility”; the GOP is the party of whining, entitled thugs blaming a black man for getting caught.

Damn you, Obama. 7-11 wouldn’t have cameras and the FBI wouldn’t wiretap U.S. citizens talking to suspected Russian agents if Obama weren’t so mean.

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