Paul Ryan Makes Trump Sound Isolated And Insane On DACA

During his weekly news conference, Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) sounded like he was on a different planet than Trump on DACA. Unlike Trump, Ryan wasn’t demanding a border wall in exchange for permanent protection for Dreamers.

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Ryan said, “We want to have a DACA compromise. We want to make sure that the DACA problem is solved. As you’ve heard me say this has to be balanced, so we don’t have a DACA problem five, ten years down the road. We want to make sure that the right kind of interior and border enforcement so that we don’t have another DACA problem down the road.”

What Ryan said was not fund the wall, or Dreamers get deported.

Republicans and Democrats in Congress are negotiating a deal on DACA. The deal will involve permanent status for Dreamers and increased border security. Republicans in Congress don’t support the wall. They don’t want to fund the wall. It is possible that Trump will throw a tantrum and trigger a government shutdown over funding for his wall that he promised during the presidential campaign that Mexico would pay for.

The other option is that Trump is playing to his base, and as he admitted in his phone call with the President of Mexico, he always has known that Mexico would never pay and he is going to fight to stick US taxpayers with the bill.

Either way, Trump is isolated and alone on the wall, and Ryan’s comments make him look crazy and completely out of the loop.

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