Trump Blames Democrats For Kids Dying On Border

Last updated on December 31st, 2018 at 06:09 am

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Trump falsely blamed the Democrats for his policies that are killing migrant children along the southern border.

Trump tweeted:

Trump was lying as he blamed the Democrats

NBC News’s Jacob Soboroff had previously explained why Trump‘s blaming of Democrats is a lie.


Trump is targeting families and children

Trump is intentionally using extreme tactics to harm children and families in an effort to create a crisis at the border that will make Democrats pay for his wall.

[mashtweet tweet=”When Donald Trump blames Democrats for the deaths of migrant children on the border, he is lying.” text=”” username=”@politicususa”]

The Executive Branch of the government implements immigration policies. The deaths of innocent children who were seeking asylum in the United States are on the hands of Donald Trump. No one, except for the die-hard Trump cultists believe that Democrats are responsible for these deaths.

Trump‘s ham-handed attempts to pass the buck aren’t working, as every move that he makes puts another crack in the foundation of his crumbling presidency.

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