“General” Jerry Boykin Blames Right Wing Watch for UCC Shooting

Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin (retired), once deputy undersecretary of Defense under President George W. Bush, and now the Family Research Council’s executive vice president, appeared on false prophet Rick Wiles’ radio program Tuesday to do some heavy blame-shifting where gun violence is concerned.

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The subject was the recent Umpqua Community College mass shooting, and the victims were, predictably, supposedly Christians, targeted by dangerous left-wingers fired up by People for the American Way’s Right Wing Watch.

If this sounds like a reversal of fact to you, it is exactly that, and it’s endlessly amazing how pro-gun control leftists can possibly be responsible for gun nuts mowing people down in large numbers on an almost regular basis.

Yet according to Boykin, Obama’s “anti-Christian” policies (nowhere in evidence, of course, outside the fevered imaginings of people like Boykin and Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson), inspired the shooter:

“Right here in America, the church, the Christian church, has been so demonized and denigrated by the current administration and those that support this administration that I think that you have to expect this because there are enough crazies out there that when you constantly hammer the U.S. Christian church, you have to expect that there is going to be some reaction and that’s what we’re seeing.”

“I can tell you that this is the fight of the future,” added Boykin, who recently claimed Christians are the government, you know, despite the whole First Amendment and No Religious Test Clause thing in the Constitution:

“It’s not just about having to bake a cake or take photographs for a gay wedding, this is about literally about life and death for Christians in the future. It’s coming.”

Rick Wiles, who thinks our government is run by Nazis and is a “godless, pagan cesspool of Free Mason fascism,” was quick to point out that the shooter, despite self-identifying as both “conservative” and “Republican” might have been inspired by reading Right Wing Watch, and might even have been a “frequent visitor.”

Yes, this is the math you do as a conservative to feel better about yourself. If you don’t like reality, like Boykin and Wiles, just invent a bunch of sh*t to replace it.

This is all it took, of course, for Boykin, who once said we were not fighting Saddam Hussein but Satan, to claim that “ultraliberal, anti-Christian and anti-American” RWW uses the “exact same tactics” as the Islamic State and Al Qaeda to encourage “lone wolf” attacks against Christians, despite the complete lack of evidence that anything of the sort took place at UCC.

Brian Tashman writes at RWW in response that,

But they did have some good words for us: Boykin commended us for our accuracy, saying that we “actually in many cases print exactly what we said” and Wiles added, “They’ve never misquoted me, I’m not going to say that they misquote me but they definitely want to paint an image of people like you and I as dangerous wackos.”

Well…because you are. The idea of accurate quotes seems a novelty to these two men, and clearly they do not listen to themselves.

In fact, Boykin embarked on another talibangelical tirade just to prove RWW’s point:

This is the tactics of Al Qaeda and ISIS, where they will call for people to take action against Western targets, against Christians and infidels and then these so-called lone wolfs will go out and perpetrate an act of violence which normally results in somebody’s death. So what we’ve got is we’ve got Right Wing Watch and Southern Poverty Law Center and People For the American Way all using the exact same tactics as these Middle East terrorist groups, as these Islamic extremist groups. It’s sad that that kind of thing happens in America. There is no dialogue. There is no debate. They are going to try and shut us down by striking fear into our heart.

People For the American Way President Michael B. Keegan had this response:

It’s deeply troubling that General Jerry Boykin, who served under George W. Bush in the Department of Defense fighting terrorism, thinks that comparing People For the American Way’s work to ISIS and Al Qaeda and standing by as we were blamed for the UCC shootings is in any way appropriate.

We certainly don’t agree with Boykin and the Family Research Council, but even Boykin concedes that we represent his positions and what he says fairly.

Well, there is that at least. It’s just a wonder that, seeing their lunacy in print, they don’t realize their words are the products of demagogic lunatics who seem to hold a bottomless hatred for all humanity.

While conservatives refuse to accept responsibility for right wing gunmen acting on right wing rhetoric, they are certainly anxious to blame liberals, even when the killer is, by his own admission, a conservative.

It’s a lose-lose for the rest of us: either way, liberals are responsible for everything conservatives do. Just ask John Boehner.

If you want sensible talk about gun violence, the Democratic debate last night was the place to get it. You won’t get it from any right wing source.

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