In The Dead Of Night Senate Republican Thieves Rob 86 Million Americans By Raising Their Taxes

Senate Republicans were too cowardly to pass their tax increase for 86 million Americans in broad daylight, so they passed their bill the same way it was written in darkness while hiding from public view.

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The final vote was 51-48. All Republicans voted for the bill, and all Democrats voted against it. The legislation will now go back to the House for a revote that should be a formality.

According to the Tax Policy Center, the bill would raise taxes on 53% of Americans by 2027. The legislation also disguises itself as a tax cut while gradually raising taxes, “The TCJA includes several major changes that would primarily affect low- and moderate-income households. It would reduce individual income tax rates, increase the standard deduction, and expand the child tax credit. However, it would also end the personal exemption, a trade-off that could raise taxes for low-income families with a large number of children. It would also change the way the tax code is adjusted for inflation, a revision that would slowly increase taxes on all households.”

The bill is literally a theft in the night. If this tax cut is going to be so great for working people and the middle class, why wouldn’t Senate Republicans want to pass their legislation at a time when most Americans will see it?

The reason why Republicans were trying to hide the passage of the bill is the same reason why the GOP drafted the bill behind closed doors and wouldn’t let Democrats or the public see it until the last moment.

Mitch McConnell’s majority just used the legislative process to rob 86 million people. Beyond the smoke and mirrors gimmicks is a massive upward redistribution of wealth that will make life more difficult for the majority of taxpayers.

Their act of theft will not be forgotten, as justice will be served at the ballot box in 2018 and beyond.

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