Geraldo Rivera Tells the Black Community That They Shouldn’t Be Concerned with Living

Geraldo Rivera

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Listen, all you black people who are objecting to black men being killed by police officers, Geraldo Rivera is talking on Fox and he thinks you shouldn’t worry about living so much. Okay? The real issue here is that black men should be better fathers.

Geraldo Rivera, speaking on the set of Fox News’ Hannity, went on to explain that in the black community, they can only motivate when they are the “victims” so they have a “victim” mentality. This from the people who have made up several fictional stories in which they are persecuted by the black man in the White House, and by “persecuted”, I mean they accuse him of doing things other white Republican presidents really did to their political opponents.

Watch the December 10 edition of Fox News’ Hannity here courtesy of Media Matters:

Geraldo Rivera feels that LeBron James should wear “Be A Better Father” t-shirt instead of “I Can’t Breathe”, because the black community has a “victimization mentality”. It’s hard to be a better father if you’re dead, but I guess this point escaped Geraldo’s vast exploration of Opposite World.

Apparently, in Fox world, a “victimization mentality” is when folks get upset because the police choke a member of their community to death, as happened to Eric Garner by a police officer.

And a “victimization mentality” is not when white people on cable news fantasize — so consistently that they begin to believe it — that they are Jesus Christ being persecuted by the mere fact that some minorities exist and want the same rights as white men (recognize that wealth/fame/power equalize to a large extent).

Yes, a “victimization mentality” is not the same as fetishizing imaginary insults and spending years weeping and screaming hysterically about things like the IRS persecuting you, when in fact the IRS was just doing their job of trying to hold you to the law.

On Fox, if conservatives are held to the law, they are righteous victims being persecuted by evil liberals. But if the black community wants to live, they are beholden to a victim mentality.

Totally rational.

See, if black people wear t-shirts saying “Be a Better Father” instead of “I Can’t Breathe”, this will magically solve the police problem, and it’s not as if white men suffer from being absent fathers. Sure, a large number of white women are dealing with deadbeat father syndrome and the Republicans have their own former elected official — former one-term Republican Congressman Joe Walsh — who made deadbeat fatherhood on par with sainthood while whining that he wasn’t allowed to use the “n word” – but see, that’s cool, because they are white and police officers aren’t targeting them.

And sorry not sorry, Fox, but according to Single Mother Guide, 2/3 of single mothers are white:

According to U.S. Census Bureau, out of 12 million single parent families in 2013, more than 80% were headed by single mothers.
Today 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 — a total of about 17.5 million — are being raised without a father and nearly half (45%) live below the poverty line.
About two thirds are White, one third Black, one quarter Hispanic. One third have a college degree, while one sixth have not completed high school.

Also, single mothers aren’t taking the most from the government, contrary to Fox News’ paranoid rantings. It’s actually the Fox audience. The Washington Post reported in 2012, after Mitt Romney’s contempt for half of America comment, that 53 percent of direct cash entitlements go to people over 65 years old.

All the Fox News anchors need to wear a T-shirt ordering their fellow Foxites to “Be a Better Father!”

When a Fox News person is talking, it’s a safe bet that they are projecting.

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