Donald Trump Claims Narrow GOP Win in Kansas Was a Landslide

Donald Trump took to Twitter this morning to tell lies about the Kansas special election that was narrowly won by Republicans.

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According to our liar-in-chief,

So many lies. Nobody was predicting victory for the Democrats. In fact, the Democrats were not expected to win this seat.

And an easy win? As The Hill reported, Estes had to overcome “an unexpectedly tough challenge from civil rights attorney James Thompson (D).”

The GOP ended up taking it 52% to 47%, and though Trump makes much of Democrats “spending heavily” but The National Republican Congressional Committee itself spent nearly $100,000 to secure Estes’ win while Democrats spent almost nothing.

And as reported here last night, the real story is that “A district that Donald Trump won by 27 points in November, Republicans held on to by 6 points in April.”

In fact, this “easy” win was a landslide in the same way that Donald Trump’s electoral win was a landslide: it wasn’t. And it proved that Republicans are in real trouble thanks to the Trump effect.

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