A New Poll Contains Horrible News For Trump In Wisconsin

Trump has a big problem in Wisconsin as his approval rating remains underwater, and hasn’t moved much in a year.

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According to Marquette University Law School poll:

Wisconsin voters disagree with Trump on guns:

Trump lost the 2016 Republican primary in Wisconsin, and only defeated Hillary Clinton by a little more than 22,000 votes in the general election, so he is not on stable footing in the Badger State. Trump’s biggest problem is that Republicans passed their tax cuts and he received no significant bump in approval rating. Trump is treading water in Wisconsin, and when he faces a Democrat who is not Hillary Clinton in 2020, he could be in big trouble in the state.

Trump is governing by chaos. He doesn’t have a message or a platform to take to voters in each state. Chaos and dysfunction never go over well with voters, so one can expect that for as long as Trump continues to be Trump, his approval ratings in swing states will be stuck in quicksand.

Donald Trump needs to win Wisconsin to win a second term in office in 2020, but in states around the country, the unpopular Republican candidate has been transformed into an equally if not more unpopular president. Trump has a major Wisconsin problem to go along with his Michigan and Pennsylvania problems. This far out from an election, circumstances can change on a dime, but Trump has numbers of a one-term president.

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