Senator Hints That Democrats Are Looking At New Tools To Stop Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee

Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) referred to Senate Democrats exploring creating new tools that they can use to stop Mitch McConnell from getting Trump’s Supreme Court nominee through the Senate before Election Day.

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Blumenthal was asked what Democrats can do on MSNBC’s The Beat with Ari Melber, and he answered, “The American people should and will understand the momentous importance of this choice for the reasons you discussed earlier. This justice will have a decisive vote. Call it a swing vote or a majority maker. We’re in an unparalleled moment of assault on rule of law when our fundamental liberties are in danger. We’re going to use every tool available and we will possibly be creative about some new ones in seeking to give the American people a voice. A decision of this historic magnitude requires more deliberate consideration than is possible in the few politically charged months between now and the election.”

Democrats have options if they are willing to fight

By using the rules to their maximum, Democrats can grind the Senate to a halt. The American people have already seen this process in action when Mitch McConnell as Senate Minority Leader would use every rule and minute of debate that he was entitled to even the smallest of matters. Nothing will be done quickly if Senate Democrats decide to slow things down. The minority party does have the ability to effectively shut down the Senate through the use of rules. For example, McConnell was infamous for slowing down the Senate by forcing Senate clerks to read entire bills on the Senate floor aloud.

Senate Democrats sound ready for a fight, and they may have a few new tricks up their sleeves that will keep the Senate in super slow motion, and unable to confirm Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, until a new Congress is seating in January 2019.

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