Trump In Free Fall As He Is Trying To Stop A Flood Of Senators From Voting Against His ‘National Emergency’

The White House is scrambling to prevent a mass Republican Senate defection of votes against Trump‘s national emergency declaration.

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The Washington Post reported:
The White House told Senate Republicans on Monday to “keep their powder dry†ahead of a vote to nullify President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border, as the administration worked to limit defections on a measure rebuking the president. The message was delivered by Zach Parkinson, White House deputy director of government communications, in a meeting Monday morning with Senate Republican communications staffers, according to two people who attended the meeting.


While Trump appears to have the votes to withstand a veto in the Republican-led Senate as well, passage of the measure would still serve as rebuke of the president’s policy — and large-scale defections by GOP senators could prove embarrassing for Trump.

In addition to the four Republican senators who have announced support for the disapproval resolution, numerous others have expressed serious reservations about Trump’s move, pointing to concerns about constitutional separation of powers, and the potential for future Democratic presidents to declare national emergencies on other issues.

Trump is going to be embarrassed. It is just a matter how humiliated he will be.

The Senate is going to pass this resolution and force Trump to veto it. Some Senate Republicans oppose the declaration on constitutional separation of powers grounds. Trump is violating the Constitution by taking funds that have already been appropriated by Congress and redirecting them toward his wall. The White House has another reason to try to limit the damage. If Republicans bolt from Trump, it will help the case of those who are suing to get Trump‘s emergency declaration overturned.

Trump is facing defeat. No matter how many Republicans abandon him, he will get a mouthful of humiliation as a Senate run by his own party is set to reject his bogus border wall national emergency.

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