Bernie Sanders Tells His Delegates To Be Respectful During Clinton Acceptance Speech

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 02:04 pm

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Bernie Sanders is telling his delegates to be respectful during Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech.

Here is the message that was sent to the Sanders delegates:

Bernie Sanders himself has been nothing but a team player during the Democratic convention. As the convention has gone on the amount of booing and jeering has become virtually non-existent. There are some Sanders supporters who used the Sanders campaign as a vehicle for their Clinton hate.

These people aren’t going to listen to Sen. Sanders, but the delegates who believe in Sanders, but understand that Hillary Clinton has tried to meet them halfway, are who the Senator from Vermont was talking to.

Bernie Sanders has been shown courtesy and respect during the Democratic convention, and Sen. Sanders is reminding his supporters that they should show Hillary Clinton the same respect that she and her supporters have shown them.

Sanders is slamming the door on all attempts by Donald Trump to sway his supporters. If any Sanders delegates misbehave, it won’t be in the name of Bernie Sanders.

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