Trump Is Losing The Russia Investigation PR War Bigly

Trump was supposed to be a salesman, but with polls showing that the American people overwhelmingly support Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Russia probe, the president is losing the sale on killing the investigation.

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The latest Marist Poll provided the most concrete evidence that Trump is failing to turn the perception of the investigation in his favor.

According to the poll, “Nearly half of Americans (48%) perceive Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election to be fair. 26% think the probe is unfair, and 27% are unsure. Earlier this month, 51% reported the investigation was fair, 26% said it was not, and 23% were unsure. Nearly seven in ten Americans (69%) also think Mueller should be allowed to finish his investigation, similar to the 70% who had this opinion in early February. 12% think he should be fired, down from 16% previously. 19% are unsure. Regardless of demographic group, including Republicans, at least a majority believe Mueller should be allowed to conclude his investigation.”

Trump doesn’t even have his own party behind him on attacking Mueller

Trump has spent his entire time in office undermining and obstructing FBI and Congressional investigations into the Russia scandal. After Mueller was appointed Special Counsel, Trump has continued to attack the FBI, but recently added Mueller’s investigation to his attacks. The president and his White House have a belief in what they see as the nearly mythical powers of Trump’s Twitter account, but the president’s attacking Robert Mueller isn’t changing the view that Mueller and the investigation must continue.

There is a message in this poll for congressional Republicans who have been helping Trump cover up the scandal. These accessories in Congress are not helping themselves or their political futures by killing or obstructing investigations and attacking the Special Counsel.

Trump is losing ground with each tweet, as the man who promised so much winning as a candidate can’t stop losing as president.

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