Dick Durbin Warns That Russia Has Virtually Declared War On The US And Trump Is Totally Compromised

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 12:25 pm

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) warned that the massive Russian hack on the US was a virtual declaration of war and Trump is completely compromised.


Durbin said on CNN, “Let’s put it on the line here. We need an honest reset in terms of relationships between the United States and Russia. We can’t be buddies with Vladimir Putin and at the same time having him making this kind of cyberattack on America. This is virtually a declaration of war by Russia on the United States and we should take that seriously.”

Sen. Durbin went on to say that Trump is completely compromised, “On one hand, we knew what the Russians were doing for the past four years and how they put America’s security completely at risk, and what it means to our own personal privacy, and the President with his arm around the shoulders of Vladimir Putin as if to call him his best friend, so we can’t have that kind of dichotomy between policy and reality.”

It is clear that the nation is only beginning to scratch the surface of the damage that Trump has done to both individual and national security by allowing Putin to run wild for the last four years. Sen. Durbin was correct. Trump is compromised.

One of the first things that the Biden administration must do is make America secure again by standing up to Russia and not allowing Putin’s aggression against the United States to go unpunished.

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