Search for: rick santorum


Don’t Be Distracted by Faux Stay-at-Home “Momney” Issue

“Moms Do Workâ€â€¦this is the newly created bumper sticker phrase manufactured by the Mitt Romney campaign on the heels of comments that flew back and forth this past week over an irresponsibly careless remark by a democratic strategist. (It also eerily reminds me of one of Bush, Jr.s infamous remarks, “Childrens do learn”). A virtual explosion of faux…


Fox Poll Shows Obama Winning Over Romney and Tea Party Loathed

Fox News’ latest polling data should alarm the Republican Party, because it shows President Barack Obama winning over Mitt Romney in a general election, the Democratic Party with higher favorables than the Republican Party, Mitt Romney with low favorables and the Tea Party in the dumps. Here’s the data for how the public, per the…

Sarah Palin Throws Brokered Convention Threat at Mitt Romney

Oh boy. Sarah Palin is at it again.  Yes, she’s flirting with the disaffected Tea Party base and brokered conventions while baring her mama grizzly teeth at poor Mitt Romney.  She’s not closing any doors, no matter how much the Republican Party wishes she would. Ms Palin told CNN yesterday that she isn’t ruling out…

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