Rep. Tom Allen Endorses Barack Obama

Last updated on July 1st, 2012 at 06:26 am

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ImageDemocratic front runner Barack Obama is now only 154 delegates short of wrapping up his Party’s nomination after Maine Rep., and 2008 Senate candidate, Tom Allen endorsed him this morning.

“Most of the primary voters across the nation have now spoken. It is time to bring a graceful end to the primary campaign. We now need to unify the Democratic Party and focus on electing Senator Obama and a working majority in the United States Senate. That is how we can change the direction of the country,” Allen said.

Allen discussed what happened in the Maine caucuses, “In February I watched a new generation of Mainers become involved in our nominating process because they were energized and hopeful about the future. I watched Independents and Democrats – and even a lot of Republicans — in Maine enthusiastically support Barack Obama because they believe he can and will put America back on track.”

For his part Obama gave a huge endorsement to Allen’s Senate campaign. “I’ve had the opportunity to meet voters from every corner of Maine, and they have spoken with one voice about the need for real change. There’s no question that Tom’s record of service, his tenacity, and his judgment will make him an excellent Senator. I’m thrilled to be working alongside him in this critical election, and I look forward to working with him as President,” Obama said.

This is the first of what I expect to be many “coattail endorsements.” Candidates should be metaphorically knocking each other over to get a prized Obama endorsement. Allen is correct in pointing out that without a working majority in the Senate a President Obama won’t be able to get anything done.

Taking back the White House is only half the equation for Democrats. They also expand their majorities in the House and Senate to be able to advance their agenda.

Remember, that it takes 60 votes to pass a bill in the Senate. The Democrats need to pick up a handful of seats, or we can forget about healthcare reform, and many other domestic changes, but I think Obama will have coattails in the fall, and carry with him many new Democrats to the House and Senate.

Read the full endorsement:

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