Democrats Demand Trump’s Tax Returns And An Investigation Into His Conflicts Of Interest

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:36 pm

House Oversight Committee Democrats are demanding that President-elect Trump releases his tax returns and that an immediate investigation is launched into Trump’s conflicts of interest

In a letter to House Oversight Committee Chair Rep. Jason Chaffetz(R-UT), the committee’s Democrats wrote:


The House Oversight Democrats argued that the Trump family’s global holdings will create conflicts of interest around the world.

Republicans are already treating Trump differently than they treated President Obama. During his time in office, Obama has dealt with a House Republican majority that spent years investigating baseless conspiracy theories, but when presented with a president-elect who has refused all calls for transparency, these same House Republicans have chosen to look the other way.

The Trump conflict of interest story is not going to go away. It will likely be a theme of his presidency.

Democrats are not going to allow Trump to run wild once he is in office. The purpose of letters, such as the one by the Dems on the Oversight Committee, is to lay the groundwork for the consequences which almost everyone seems to see coming.

When a president refuses to be transparent and appears to have no ethical standards regarding conflicts of interest, it is up to the opposition party, journalists, reporters, and concerned citizens to do their best to hold the president accountable.

House Democrats will investigate Donald Trump on their own. They don’t need the help of Republicans to do their jobs. The hypocrisy being put on display by House Republicans is titanic, but in our current age of partisanship, it was also to be expected.

The questions aren’t going to go away after Trump takes the oath of office. The scrutiny will only grow more intense. Republicans who insist on turning a blind eye to Donald Trump’s conflicts may pay a severe price for their decision.

Donald Trump won’t be on the ballot in 2018, but every single member of the Republican House majority will be. If voters are dissatisfied with Trump, they will be the first to fall.

Jason Easley
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