Lawrence O'Donnell

Lawrence O’Donnell Gleefully Hits Trump Where It Hurts Most On Stormy Daniels

Lawrence O’Donnell rubbed salt in the wound that will drive Trump crazy by celebrating the fact that more people watched Stormy Daniels on 60 Minutes than watched Donald Trump.

Read the biggest developments from Michael Cohen's testimony.



O’Donnell said, “Stormy Daniels really hurt President Trump badly last night and she hurt him in the worst way, the way it pains him the most, no it was not when she said she was not physically attracted to Donald Trump, or described how spanking Donald Trump and like a little boy became more compliant after the spanking. That wasn’t the worst part last night. The worst part for the president was that, as Rachel just said, Stormy Daniels got a great rating and she actually beat Donald Trump. She beat him in the ratings. 22 million people watched Stormy Daniels on 60 Minutes last night and that’s more than the 20 million that watched Donald Trump on 60 Minutes after he won the presidency. He already suffered the pain of getting a smaller audience as president-elect than President Obama did, he got 25 million people to tune in on his appearance. Stormy Daniels beat Donald Trump again today. She beat him in a new poll that shows 62% believe Stormy Daniels and 21% believe the president of the United States. The poll actually included more than just Stormy Daniels versus Donald Trump. It combined stormy Daniels with former Playboy model Karen Mcdougal in a question about do you believe the women or do you believe the president of the United States? And so the team of Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal beat Donald Trump 62 to 21. And today, Stormy Daniels’s lawyer, Michael Avenatti who will join us in a moment amended her lawsuit to include defamation against Donald Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen. Donald Trump is still maintaining his terrified silence about Stormy Daniels. He has never directly personally denied having a sexual relationship with Stormy Daniels.”

Trump has to be fuming over the ratings that Stormy Daniels drew

Donald Trump is obsessed with ratings because he thinks that television ratings are a reflection of his power and popularity, but Trump has not been a ratings draw. After the novelty of Trump wore off, ratings for the Republican presidential primary debates fell. Trump has consistently drawn smaller ratings than Obama did at the same point in his presidency.

And now, Trump is drawing fewer viewers than an adult film star.

Lawrence O’Donnell knows how to make it hurt for Trump, and nothing bothers this president more than knowing that not only are more people watching Stormy Daniels but that she is hurting his approval ratings.

Daniels is the freight train scandal that Trump can’t stop.

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